McAuley High School offers a wide range of subjects leading to a variety of qualifications including National Certificates, NCEA. Our students achieve well academically.

Compulsory Subjects
Year 9 English (9ENG)
Year 9 English builds on your existing literacy skills to make you better at understanding and communicating ideas. You can already speak, read, and write, so high school English will teach you to master those skills, to become an expert in them. This is accomplished through studying novels, poetry, and other written texts, and visual texts such as film. Through a variety of reading and writing tasks you will learn not only to be better at those skills, but also learn many new ideas and different perspectives.
Health (9HEA)
Throughout the Year 9 Health programme, students will explore various health topics such as Hauora, Personal identity, Values, Resilience, Aspirations, Relationships, and Human Sexuality education through a catholic perspective.
Students are also provided with an opportunity to investigate a variety of relevant health topics and issues such as Cyberbullying, Drugs, Alcohol and Vaping. A major focus of the programme is developing an understanding of their own well-being and the well-being of others in relation to the range of topics covered.
Year 9 Mathematics (9MAT)
This course focuses on developing mathematical skills and knowledge which is built on over the Junior Programme. The aim of the course is to prepare students to obtain ‘Numeracy’ – a corequisite of the formal NCEA qualification. Students can obtain this Numeracy requisite from Year 9 onwards at McAuley High School. The course focuses on key Mathematical strands such as Number, Algebra, Patterns, Measurement, Geometry, Probability and Statistics. This course will provide a strong foundation for students to become numerate in Aotearoa, while also preparing you for future Mathematics courses at McAuley High School. Mathematics is one of the most widely applicable subjects in the real world, and offers many options for future career pathways such as Engineering, Computer Science, and Medicine.
Physical Education
Physical Education (9PED)
Throughout the Year 9 Physical Education programme, students are provided with the opportunity to participate in a variety of physical activity contexts, promoting excellence in participation, effort and engagement. A key focus is to demonstrate all school values of Panekiretanga, Aroha, Whakarangatira, Tika, and Āwhina across all units of work. These include; Athletics, Orienteering, ABL activities, Fitness, Net/Wall games, Invasion games, Te ao kori, Cultural games, and Striking and Fielding games. Alongside this, they will develop self management, interpersonal and leadership skills in varied and challenging contexts.
Religious Studies
Religious Studies (9RES)
The Religious Studies programme is where McAuley girls are educated on the Catholic Faith.
The aim of the Religious Studies programme is to provide coherent and intellectually stimulating programmes that meet the needs and enhance the abilities of students at McAuley High School.
Students are assessed for each course when the course is complete. This is usually at the end of term. Through the provision of Religious Studies, McAuley High School provides a holistic education that mirrors and supports the faith of the families who send their daughters to us.
Religious Studies extends a base of knowledge and skills that students either already possess or come to gain throughout their years of Religious Studies at McAuley High School.
Science (9SCI)
Opportunities are provided for students to work in teams to complete project work while they develop their skills in working in groups, communication, and design. Year 9 students also start to learn about matter and atomic structure as a basis for Chemistry. During this unit students will develop their planning and investigative skills while completing experiments.
Social Studies
Social Sciences (9SOS)
This course focuses on developing skills and knowledge which is built on over the Junior Programme. The course focuses on developing Social Science skills such as mapping, graphing and decision making through perspectives. It explores both geographical and historical topics through different lenses / worldviews. The topics covered are Early Explorers ( Māori exploration and discovery of Aotearoa), Impacts of a major tectonic event and the compassionate response from the world, The Nuclear question (Nuclear use, testing and impacts on the Pacific Islands and Aotearoa/New Zealand), and Migration (Modern day migration to Aotearoa/New Zealand). Through this course you will learn the foundations of problem solving needed to solve the ‘wicked future problems’ of the world.
Te Reo Māori
Te Reo Māori (9REO)
He taonga te reo, he taonga anō ngā tikanga. He taonga ngā ākonga e āwhina ana ki te poipoi i te reo hei reo e ora ana. Nō reira, whāia te taonga nei, e pakari ai, e pārekareka ai tā koutou takahi haere i ō koutou huarahi kia whai mātauranga.
Our language and customs are our treasure. Our students are also our treasure because they are helping to secure the future of te reo Māori as a living language. We encourage you to pursue this treasure, so that you may tread confidently and with enjoyment on your path to pursue knowledge.
Year 9 students of te reo Māori will leave this course with a beginner level knowledge of te reo Māori and tikanga Māori that they can use in their everyday lives. Students will be able to confidently introduce themselves and their families and greet and farewell others in te reo Māori. They will come to understand the protocols and customs of the marae and celebrate the true meaning of Matariki. Ultimately, students will gain an increased sense of belonging and pride as they come to value the indigenous language and unique cultural heritage of Aotearoa.
Optional Subjects
Year 9 Art (9ART)
This course aims to enhance and expand your creativity through sketching, painting and printing, which are valuable skills to have in our visual, technological world. You will have the opportunity to develop your ideas and skills with your teacher’s help . You will learn creative ways to make Art for yourself and exhibit to others. Some of the topics are drawing portraits, mixed media scenes from movies and landscape painting.
Year 9 Dance (9DAN)
Let’s move your thinking! This is a fun and exciting course which dedicates all of its learning experiences to developing your artistic, communication and expressive capabilities through movement. Students will develop and grow their personal confidence levels, their physical and creative movement skills and will expand their enjoyment of Dance as an art form through activities which aim to broaden and deepen their practical experiences and appreciation of movement vocabulary.
Design & Media Technologies
Year 9 Design & Media – Technologies (9DMT)
In this course you will be introduced to a range of briefs designed to prepare you for success in your future years in Design and Media Technology. You will be introduced to a range of digital techniques across the Adobe software package to create static and animated works including; Animation and Architectural Drawing as well as core Graphic Design.
Year 9 Drama (9DRA)
It’s time to challenge, change, construct and shape your world! This is a fun and exciting course which dedicates all of its learning experiences to developing students’ creative and critical capabilities in Drama. It is designed specifically to develop students’ confidence, imagination and to affirm their identities and values within the world today. Students will develop and expand their personal levels of confidence as well as their skills in, and enjoyment of, Drama through activities which aim to develop their practical experiences of working in role and in understanding key vocabulary in Drama and Theatre.
Food Technology
Year 9 Food Technology (9FTY)
If you like food, experimenting with flavours, have an interest in learning how to create food dishes that wow and want to keep academic doors open to career possibilities in Food Science, Nutrition, Product Design or Hospitality, Food Technology is the place to be. Food Technology explores design and skill development in working creatively with food. Researching and creating food solutions to problems whilst developing an understanding of the capabilities of different food ingredients and techniques results in students presenting restaurant quality foods.
Material Technology
Year 9 Material Technology (9MTY)
You don’t need to be a genius with a paintbrush or sewing machine, nor do you need to know all the big fashion names. The aim of Materials Technology is to show you how designs can be created through research and development. What is expected of you is the ability to research; interpret a project brief; use a range of illustration techniques; choosing fabric; and portfolio presentation. All you need is enthusiasm and a willingness to express your own unique view of the world – inspiration is everywhere!
Media Studies
Year 9 Media Studies (9MED)
You all use media in your daily lives – YouTube, Netflix, TikTok, Instagram, Reddit, TV shows, movies, podcasts — all of these are examples of media in our world. In Media Studies, we take a look at some of these media platforms, and try to make sense of how and why we use them, the great ways they can improve our lives, but also how sometimes they can be problematic for us.
We will look at examples of media texts (like films, TV shows, news, social media) and unpack how they create meaning for audiences and how they impact us when we watch or read them. We look at a collection of examples and consider them from a social perspective, making this quite different to the close viewing you might do in English.
Year 9 Music (9MUS)
If you have an interest in Music as a subject, the Year 9 course will offer you the following: Solo as well as group performances; composition; aural transcription of music (listening); score reading/analysis; and contextual study of several different music genres e.g. Jazz, Blues, Classical, etc. Tuition is also available to Music students in the following instruments: guitar, piano, saxophone, clarinet, voice, and drums.
Product Design
Year 9 Product Design
Got a great idea for an object that could change the world? Then this course is for you. Product Design is not just about making pretty things but how we interact with the products we use everyday and how we can design to include people of all abilities and cultures. Product Design is for those who can take an existing product and improve it or develop an entirely new product to meet a perceived need.
Year 9 Samoan (9SAM)
Gagana Samoa Tausaga aims to build on and strengthen student skills in tautala fa’asamoa (speaking), faitau fa’asamoa (reading), tusitusi fa’asamoa (writing) and fa’alogo i le gagana Samoa (listening). The four main contexts in which class activities and tasks are based are Aiga (family), Lotu (church), A’oga (school), and Si’osi’omaga (environment). With the language skills are taught the values of fa’aaloalo (respect), tausi aiga (family care), tiute (roles) and lalolagi o le Samoa (understanding the Samoan view of the individual and the world.)
Year 9 Tongan (9TON)
Lea faka-Tonga aims to build on and strengthen student skills in lea (speaking), laukonga (reading), tohi lea (writing) and fanongo (listening). The four main contexts in which class activities and tasks are based are Famili (family), Lotu (church), Ako (school), and ‘Atakai (environment). With the language skills are taught the values of faka’apa’apa (respect), tauhi va ‘I he famili (family care), fatongia/ngafa (roles) and mahino’I ‘a e lau taau taha mo fakamamani lahi (understanding the Tongan view of the individual and the world).
Compulsory Subjects
Year 10 English (10ENG)
Year 10 English uses a variety of text-studies to build on the literacy and critical-thinking skills begun in Year 9. You will examine how authors and directors communicate their messages, and how you can communicate yours.
Health (10HEA)
Throughout the Year 10 Health programme, students will explore various health topics such as Hauora, Personal identity, Values, Resilience, Aspirations, Relationships, and Human Sexuality education through a catholic perspective.
Students are also provided with an opportunity to investigate a variety of relevant health topics and issues such as Cyberbullying, Drugs, Alcohol and Vaping. A major focus of the programme is developing an understanding of their own well-being and the well-being of others in relation to the range of topics covered.
Year 10 Mathematics (10MAT)
This course focuses on developing mathematical skills and knowledge which is built on over the Junior Programme. The aim of the course is to prepare students to obtain ‘Numeracy’ – a corequisite of the formal NCEA qualification. Students can obtain this Numeracy requisite from Year 9 onwards at McAuley High School. The course focuses on key Mathematical strands such as Number, Algebra, Patterns, Measurement, Geometry, Probability and Statistics. This course will provide a strong foundation for students to become numerate in Aotearoa, while also preparing you for future Mathematics courses at McAuley High School. Mathematics is one of the most widely applicable subjects in the real world, and offers many options for future career pathways such as Engineering, Computer Science, and Medicine.
Physical Education
Physical Education (10PED)
Throughout the Year 10 Physical Education programme, students are provided with the opportunity to participate in a variety of physical activity contexts, promoting excellence in participation, effort and engagement. A key focus is to demonstrate all school values of Panekiretanga, Aroha, Whakarangatira, Tika, and Āwhina across all units of work. These include; Athletics, Orienteering, ABL activities, Fitness, Net/Wall games, Invasion games, Te ao kori, Cultural games, and Striking and Fielding games. Alongside this, they will develop self management, interpersonal and leadership skills in varied and challenging contexts.
Religious Studies
Religious Studies (10RES)
The Religious Studies programme is where McAuley girls are educated on the Catholic Faith.
The aim of the Religious Studies programme is to provide coherent and intellectually stimulating programmes that meet the needs and enhance the abilities of students at McAuley High School.
Students are assessed for each course when the course is complete. This is usually at the end of term. Through the provision of Religious Studies, McAuley High School provides a holistic education that mirrors and supports the faith of the families who send their daughters to us.
Religious Studies extends a base of knowledge and skills that students either already possess or come to gain throughout their years of Religious Studies at McAuley High School.
Science (10SCI)
Students will complete units in Biology and Physics. Within these units of work they will continue to strengthen their planning and investigative skills while completing experiments. There will be a focus on literacy and thinking.
Social Studies
Social Sciences (10SOS)
This course focuses on issues that are happening in our world, looking at the historical and geographical reasons for contemporary issues of today. The course looks at issues from different perspectives or lenses. The issues looked at include the management and use of the Ōtuataua Stonefields, sustainability focusing on the Amazon Rainforest and how it impacts us in Aotearoa / New Zealand and the Pacific Region, Treaty of Waitangi (perspectives and lenses), Human Rights (Past and present events and why did the world demand a Human Rights charter) and Tourism (Economic and impacts). As part of the course Social Sciences skills will be developed such as mapping, graphing and decision making.
Optional Subjects
Year 10 Art (10ART)
This course aims to enhance and expand your creativity through sketching, painting and printing, which are valuable skills to have in our visual, technological world. You will have the opportunity to develop your ideas and skills with your teacher’s help . You will learn creative ways to make Art for yourself and exhibit to others. Some of the topics are drawing portraits, mixed media scenes from movies and landscape painting. This leads to Level 1 Art which has 22 credits and no exam at the end of year. You can follow the pathway to NCEA Painting, Sculpture and Photography in the senior school and each of these subjects is a university approved subject.
Year 10 Dance (10DAN)
Let’s move your thinking! This is a fun and exciting course which dedicates all of its learning experiences to developing your artistic, communication and expressive capabilities through movement. It is designed specifically to develop students’ creative thinking skills whilst preparing them for the demands of dance making, performing and analysis work in NCEA, in future years. Students will develop and grow their personal confidence levels, their physical and creative movement skills and will expand their enjoyment of Dance as an art form through activities which aim to broaden and deepen their practical experiences and appreciation of movement vocabulary. Students will work both collaboratively and independently in a variety of activities throughout this whole-year course. NCEA Dance credits may be offered within the course where/if appropriate. There are also opportunities for students to attend EOTC trips to view and experience professional dance performances.
Design & Media Technologies
Year 10 Design – Media – Technologies (10DMT)
In this course you will be introduced to a range of briefs designed to prepare you for success in your senior years in Design and Media Technology. You will be introduced to a range of digital techniques across the Adobe software package to create static and animated works including; Animation and Architectural Drawing as well as core Graphic Design.
Each assignment is project-based and looks at different aspects to success in senior years such as testing the integrity of digital files, exploring media types and planning a production. These aspects are expressed through implementing a design process – this involves analysing relevant media examples/digital techniques, generating concepts, developing options and presenting professional design solutions.
Students are encouraged to express themselves through selecting subject matter that is personal and relevant to them in order to develop their confidence in communicating a range of ideas.
Year 10 Drama (10DRA)
It’s time to challenge, change, construct and shape your world! This is a fun and exciting course which dedicates all of its learning experiences to developing students’ creative and critical capabilities in Drama. It is designed specifically to develop students’ confidence, imagination and to affirm their identities and values within the world today. Through a range of creative challenges, the course will prepare students for the demands of performing and creating work for NCEA in future years. Students will develop and expand their personal levels of confidence as well as their skills in, and enjoyment of, Drama through activities which aim to develop their practical experiences of working in role and in understanding key vocabulary in Drama and Theatre. Students will work both collaboratively and independently in a variety of project-based activities throughout this whole-year course. NCEA Drama credits may be offered within the course where/if appropriate. Students may also have opportunities to attend EOTC trips to view live professional theatre productions and performances in and around Auckland.
Food Technology
Year 10 Food Technology (10FTY)
Do you like food? Make way Jamie Oliver, Gordon Ramsay and Nigella Lawson – there’s a new wave of foodies coming through! If you like food, experimenting with flavours, have an interest in learning how to create food dishes that wow and want to keep academic doors open to career possibilities in Food Science, Nutrition, Product Design or Hospitality, Food Technology is the place to be. From gourmet burgers to international cuisine and creative experimentation through fusion cooking, Food Technology explores design and skill development in working creatively with food. Researching and creating food solutions to problems whilst developing an understanding of the capabilities of different food ingredients and techniques results in students presenting restaurant quality foods. Bring your taste buds, vision and love of good food and become part of the Food Technology journey. This course leads to Level 1 Hospitality.
Health and Nutrition
Year 10 Health & Nutrition (10HNT)
Food sciences are a rapidly growing collection of food related industries and enterprises. In recent years a range of new jobs and careers have been appearing in the food sector and the opportunities are many. Meal suppliers such as My Food Bag and Hello Fresh, to name a few employ people with a range of food related skills such as nutritionists, food product designers, recipe designers, marketing, photography, logistics and more. Large and small companies are increasingly seeking to improve and grow the nutritional benefits and range of their food products. Add to this the sustainable food movement and the food science vital to helping humanity sensibly and fairly manage the planet’s food resources. Health and Nutrition explores the science behind what we eat every day, how it affects our bodies and the relationship with Hauora. Whether you dream of being a chef or a dietitian, personal trainer or cafe owner, or are motivated to improve the health and well-being of yourself and family, Health and Nutrition is for you. This course leads to Level 1 Hospitality.
Year 10 Music (10MUS)
If you have an interest in Music as a subject, the Year 10 course will offer you the following: Solo as well as group performances; composition; aural transcription of music (listening); score reading/analysis; and contextual study of several different music genres e.g. Jazz, Blues, Classical, etc. Tuition is also available to Music students in the following instruments: guitar, piano, saxophone, clarinet, voice, and drums.
Product Design
Year 10 Product Design (10PDN)
Fancy yourself as having an inventive streak? Got a great idea for an object that could change the world?Then this course is for you. Product Design is not just about making pretty things but how we interact with the products we use everyday and how we can design to include people of all abilities and cultures. Product Design is for those who can take an existing product and improve it or develop an entirely new product to meet a perceived need. You will be working with a selection of different materials and ways of making, including electronics and patternmaking. You will also use a range of ICT techniques such as computer aided design and coding. Will you become part of the wave of innovators and inventors that New Zealand is known for?
Year 10 Samoan (10SAM)
Gagana Samoa Tausaga 10 (Year 10 Samoan Language) aims to build on and strengthen student skills in tautala fa’asamoa (speaking), faitau fa’asamoa (reading), tusitusi fa’asamoa (writing) and fa’alogo i le gagana Samoa (listening). The four main contexts in which class activities and tasks are based are Aiga (family), Lotu (church), A’oga (school), and Si’osi’omaga (environment). With the language skills are taught the values of fa’aaloalo (respect), tausi aiga (family care), tiute (roles) and lalolagi o le Samoa (understanding the Samoan view of the individual and the world.)
Te Reo Māori
Year 10 Te Reo Māori (10MAO)
Kia hiwa rā, kia hiwa rā! Year 10 Te Reo Māori is open to all students who wish to become more bi-culturally competent citizens of Aotearoa. Many professions in New Zealand require a knowledge and understanding of Te Tiriti o Waitangi, tikanga (customs) and Te Reo Māori (language). In this course, students will develop their knowledge of tikanga and Te Reo Māori, as well as deepening their understanding of the history of Aotearoa, Te Tiriti o Waitangi and the current issues affecting tāngata whenua. This course also prepares students who wish to continue studying Te Reo Māori at Year 11.
Year 10 Tongan (10TON)
Lea faka-Tonga Year 10 (Year 10 Tongan Language) aims to build on and strengthen student skills in lea (speaking), laukonga (reading), tohi lea (writing) and fanongo (listening). The four main contexts in which class activities and tasks are based are Famili (family), Lotu (church), Ako (school), and ‘Atakai (environment). With the language skills are taught the values of faka’apa’apa (respect), tauhi va ‘I he famili (family care), fatongia/ngafa (roles) and mahino’I ‘a e lau taau taha mo fakamamani lahi (understanding the Tongan view of the individual and the world).
Compulsory Subjects
Year 11 English (11ENG)
Year 11 English continues to build upon the literacy skills from the junior programme. Engaging with and studying a number of texts provides an opportunity to see many new perspectives, to build and enhance your thinking skills, and to become confident in expressing your ideas.
Year 11 Mathematics (11MAT)
The 11MAT course offers 22 credits at Level One and consists of three internal assessments and two external assessments. The course offers an opportunity of a course endorsement. The course offers Statistics standards and Algebra based standards which prepares students to either choose a pathway towards Calculus and or Statistics.
Students wishing to study Biochemistry, Medical Science, Business Studies, Dietetics, Law, Nursing and Midwifery, Pharmacy, Philosophy, Psychology, Surveying related fields
in the future MUST take this course, due to entry requirements of Universities. Entry to this course is dependent on students generally performing at NZC Level 4 or above in Algebra, Statistics and Measurement at Year 10.
Religious Studies
Religious Studies (11RES)
The Religious Studies programme is where McAuley girls are educated on the Catholic Faith.
The aim of the Religious Studies programme is to provide coherent and intellectually stimulating programmes that meet the needs and enhance the abilities of students at McAuley High School.
Students are assessed for each course when the course is complete. This is usually at the end of term. Through the provision of Religious Studies, McAuley High School provides a holistic education that mirrors and supports the faith of the families who send their daughters to us.
Religious Studies extends a base of knowledge and skills that students either already possess or come to gain throughout their years of Religious Studies at McAuley High School.
Science 11SCI
In Science we strengthen your scientific skills in gathering, interpreting, analysing, evaluating data in different contexts such as Microbiology, Genetic Variation, Mechanics, Metals and/or Acids and Bases. We have three different classes made up of different standards, however, the focus is to develop your thinking and your scientific vocabulary.
Optional Subjects
Year 11 Art (11ART)
This course will help students to understand ideas and methods which form the basis of making art. Students will learn to draw and paint, use mixed media, take and manipulate digital photos. They are provided with many mixed media materials and digital cameras. However, they will need to purchase a journal, pencils and materials they use out of school. Where relevant, there is one free field trip. The external exam for this subject is 2 x A1 Folio boards.
Year 11 Dance (11DAN)
Move your thoughts; move your feelings; move your mind and the mind of your audience. This is a fun and exciting course providing many opportunities for students to develop their confidence, collaboration skills, creative and critical thinking with assessment opportunities made up of Achievement Standards in Level One Dance. Dance is an approved subject for University Entrance (no matter what direction or area your study may go in) and for students who excel in this area, it will provide a well-rounded and complimentary set of skills and results for your record of achievement. Developing confidence and increasing practical experiences and understandings of movement as a form of communication will be the focus. Students will explore a range of Dance activities which are specifically designed to extend their creative thinking and physical communication skills. Students will advance these capabilities in Dance as they work both collaboratively and independently in a variety of movement making, performance and analysis projects. This subject is highly reliant on students attendance in class.
Design & Media Technologies
Year 11 Design – Media – Technologies (11DMT)
The scope of this year’s course is broad and borrows achievement standards from several curriculum areas; Media Studies (magazine production), Digital Technologies (character design) and Design/Visual Communication (video game development). Though each brief is very different, the structure of the year will allow you capitalise and build upon prior knowledge in a way that allows your skill-set to flourish through implementing familiar techniques in different situations.
There are two main goals that you will work towards as the year progresses; to develop your facility with the tools and procedures of Adobe Creative Cloud (Photoshop/Indesign/Illustrator) and to take ownership of your learning through developing your own specified outcomes in response to each brief. The philosophy of this course is to encourage a critical approach where you will implement design processes explore concepts, identify challenges and create alternative solutions while you work.
Year 11 Drama (11DRA)
Theatre makes people think. Become a thought-leader and challenge peoples’ thinking through Drama. This is a fun and exciting course providing many opportunities for students to develop their confidence, collaboration skills, creative and critical thinking with assessment opportunities made up of Achievement Standards in Level One Drama. Drama is an approved subject for university entrance (no matter what direction or area your study may go in) and for students who excel in this area, it will provide a well-rounded and complimentary set of skills and results for your record of achievement. Developing confidence and increasing students’ practical experiences and understandings of drama as a form of communication will be the focus. Students will explore a range of creativity and performance challenges which are specifically designed to extend their creative and critical thinking and performance knowledge. Students will continue to increase their personal levels of confidence and capabilities in Drama as they work both collaboratively and independently on a variety of performance, devising, and theatre analysis projects.
Year 11 Geography (11GEO)
This course, which builds on Social Studies, enables students to gain a better understanding of the environment in which they live. Students will study a range of local, national and global environments. They will also develop a variety of geography skills. Students will need to use a variety of skills such as interpreting maps, photographs and diagrams. Topics include Amazon Rainforest, Tongariro National Park as well as a microclimate study. There is a field trip to the Waihi Gold Mine as part of examining perspectives for a New Zealand contemporary issue.
Year 11 Health (11HEA)
Students learn that well-being is a combination of the physical, mental and emotional, social and spiritual aspects of people’s lives. They learn to think critically and to make meaning of the world around them by exploring health related and movement contexts. They learn how to bring about sustainable health-enhancing change for individuals, communities, and society. The key areas of learning included in this teaching and learning programme include: Mental health, Sexuality Education, Food and Nutrition, Body Care and Physical Safety.
Year 11 History (11HIS)
This course builds on Junior Social Science and helps students think critically about historical knowledge, develop an understanding of the past, and its significance for us in the 21st century. Students will be encouraged to consider the events of the past from different perspectives and to develop the various skills of a historian.
Topics studied include:
- The 1975 Māori Land March and its significance to New Zealanders.
- The significance of Whina Cooper to New Zealanders.
- Perspectives of peoples and groups involved in the Dawn Raids.
Year 11 Hospitality (11HOS)
This programme leads on from Year 10 Health & Nutrition as well as Year 10 Food Technology. It involves preparing and presenting meat, fruit and vegetables, and egg and cheese dishes in the hospitality industry. The students will demonstrate knowledge of an individual’s nutritional needs by the planning, preparing and service of food. In preparation for the external assessment, students will also demonstrate understanding of how packaging information influences food choices and well-being. Regular attendance is required.
Mathematics and Statistics
Year 11 Mathematics Advance (11MAA)
The 11MAA course offers 18 credits at Level One and consists of three internal assessments and two external assessments. The course offers an opportunity for a course endorsement and prepares students to either choose a pathway towards Calculus and or Statistics.
Students wishing to study Engineering, Physics, Psychology, Economics, Accounting, Software, Math modeling related fields in the future MUST take this course, due to entry requirements of Universities. Entry to this course is dependent on students generally performing at NZC Level 5 or above in Algebra, Patterns and Relationships and Measurement at Year 10, due to the high levels of abstract thought, manipulation and logical processing required.
Year 11 Maths Applied (11MAP)
The 11MAP course offers 16 credits at level 1. All credits are from internal assessments, allowing students to earn their level 1 numeracy but does not offer endorsement. This course builds confidence and problem-solving skills for students who have struggled with maths in the past. It offers smaller class sizes and application of maths concepts that students will use in their lives outside of school. This course leads to 12MAT if students wish to continue studying mathematics.
Year 11 Music (11MUS)
The course comprises the following aspects of Music: performance, composition, aural transcription of music( listening), score analysis and contextual study of several music works.
This course is ideally suited for students who have completed Year 10 Music or who have a thorough understanding of basic Music Theory skills (Reading and writing). Students who can play an instrument and demonstrate reading skills in that particular instrument, will also find this course rewarding.
Physical Education
Year 11 Physical Education Studies (11PES)
This is an optional course for students who are passionate about Physical Education. This course is for students who are strong both practically and academically, and have consistently achieved at Level 5 in Year 10 Physical Education. Students will analyse and evaluate movement in Basketball, learn about Anatomy (bones and muscles) and Biomechanics (human movement). Students will take part in an Outdoor Education camp at Kokako Lodge, where they will participate in high ropes, low ropes and kayaking. A high level of effort is required in both theory and practical classes.
Product Design
Year 11 Product Design (11PDN)
Students will produce a portfolio of work from two projects. Using the influence of important designers and design ideas from different cultures including Te Ao Māori, students will develop a brief for an outcome and demonstrate their understanding of how design elements are used to create good design. Testing and trialling will be undertaken in order to develop their designs into final outcomes, to demonstrate how modelling aids with decision making. Students will work with different materials and systems to create their designs and learn how to communicate design ideas.
Year 11 Samoan (11SAM)
In order to take this course, students should have taken Year 10 Samoan Language or be very proficient in the language. The course will extend skills in reading, writing, speaking, listening, and formal conversation in Samoan. Speech, Writing, and Conversation will be assessed internally, and Reading and Listening externally. At the completion of this course, you will be eligible to do Level 2 Samoan at Year 12.
It provides knowledge and skills for those who require Science for further study towards a career in the health services (e.g. nursing and medicine), electronics and engineering to name a few. The topics include Genetics (the study of inheritance), Chemistry (atomic structure and acids and bases), and Mechanics (forces and motion). There is a significant practical component to the course, allowing students to develop skills for a scientific investigation.
Year 11 Biochemistry (11BCH)
It also provides knowledge and skills for those who require Science for further study towards a career in the health services (nursing and medicine) and pharmacology or food science. The topics include Genetics (the study of inheritance) and Chemistry (atomic structure and acids and bases). There is a practical component to the course, allowing students to develop skills for a scientific investigation as well as their thinking skills.
Year 11 Life Science (11LSC)
This course aims to help students develop good foundations in how Science can be applied to everyday situations in life. Topics include investigating the specific use of metals in society, various chemical reactions, exploring biological issues that are relevant to society and investigating interactions between microorganisms and humans. This course has a practical and research component.
Te Reo Māori
Year 11 Te Reo Māori (11MAO)
Proficiency in te reo and tikanga Māori are essential skills in today’s working world. This course provides students the opportunity to deepen their knowledge of the Māori language and develop their listening, writing, reading and speaking skills. This course prepares students to continue studying te reo Māori in Year 12 and undertake NCEA Level 2.
Year 11 Tongan (11TON)
This course leads directly to Year 12 Tongan. It will enable students to develop their listening, writing, reading and speaking skills in the Tongan language. They will also begin to develop an understanding and appreciation of the Tongan culture. In-depth study and use of formal Tongan language will begin at this level, with internals focusing on speech (4 credits), conversation (5 credits), and writing (5 credits). The external examinations will focus on the listening (5 credits) and reading (5 credits). They will need to purchase all stationery on the list for Level 1.
Compulsory Subjects
Year 12 English (12ENG)
Year 12 is the last year in which English is a compulsory subject. The literature-rich course builds skills of reading, writing, analysis, and critical-thinking. Year 12 English is also the most direct path to gaining University Entrance Literacy credits, which are part of the criteria for applying to university following Year 13.
Religious Studies
Religious Studies (12RES)
The Religious Studies programme is where McAuley girls are educated on the Catholic Faith.
The aim of the Religious Studies programme is to provide coherent and intellectually stimulating programmes that meet the needs and enhance the abilities of students at McAuley High School.
Students are assessed for each course when the course is complete. This is usually at the end of term. Through the provision of Religious Studies, McAuley High School provides a holistic education that mirrors and supports the faith of the families who send their daughters to us.
Religious Studies extends a base of knowledge and skills that students either already possess or come to gain throughout their years of Religious Studies at McAuley High School.
Optional Subjects
Year 12 Painting (12PTG)
This course will help students develop an understanding of methods and ideas which form the basis of painting. Students will study the work of various artists and develop their own ideas for painting. They are provided with many mixed media materials and digital cameras. However, they will need to purchase a journal, pencils and materials they use out of school. Where relevant, there is one free field trip. The external exam for this subject is 2 x A1 Folio boards. Students must have an Achieved in 90916.
Year 12 Photography (12PHO)
Students have the chance to be artistic and creative using a digital camera and Photoshop software. They research different photographers’ styles, develop ideas to make a portfolio, and put on an exhibition at school. Students do not need to be great artists but must come up with original ideas to use. They need to think about the presentation of their work.
All students will need a digital single lens reflex camera – NOT compact cameras or phones. They can borrow a DSLR Canon camera from school for in-class work. They will need to purchase a blank project book. The external exam for this course is 2 x A1 Folio boards.
Year 12 Dance (12DAN)
Dance is expressive movement that has intent, purpose, and form/shape. In Dance, students integrate critical and creative thinking concepts with movement and expression. This course extends the practical and conceptual dance experiences from students’ previous learning and is a fast-paced and exciting creative academic programme consisting of Achievement Standards in Dance at NCEA Level 2. Collaboration skills at this level are vital and there will be many small group, whole class and individual tasks to complete in choreography, performance and dance analysis.
Design & Media Technologies
Year 12 Design – Media – Technologies (12DMT)
This year your work will be based on an individually selected design brief that you will develop throughout the year with the final outcomes presented as a folio board submission.
Up until this point you have been introduced to a range of different media products (animation/film/character design/environmental design/gaming/magazine) and have been taught how to break down products by media/design conventions, as well as aesthetic and functional considerations. 12DMT seeks to build upon your experience in a more “tailored” setting where your knowledge of digital tools and design thinking becomes a foundation upon which you independently explore a selected media product in greater depth.
Year 12 Drama (12DRA)
Drama expresses human experiences as students create imagined worlds and circumstances. Through both individual and collaborative projects and briefs, they discover how to link creative and critical thinking with their imagination and emotional intelligence. Students learn to use spoken and written language with increasing control and confidence and extend abilities in how to communicate effectively using body, movement, and spaces. Drama aims to give students a deeper appreciation of our cultural heritage and the power to challenge attitudes, behaviours, and values in the modern world. This course will build on students’ drama experiences from previous learning. It is an exciting and creative academic programme consisting of a wide range of Achievement Standards in Drama at NCEA Level 2. Collaboration skills at this level are vital and there will be many group and individual tasks to complete within the rich contexts (topics) studied.
Year 12 Geography (12GEO)
In this course the major studies are desert landscapes, the growth and development of the Auckland urban area, River Studies, a study of the issue of managing Mt Eden / Maungawhau and geographical skills. Students must be prepared to write essays, draw graphs and diagrams. Students must be prepared to work independently as well as collaboratively and be able to manage themselves. There are two field trips; one of these will be to the Huia Bay for river studies and the other to Arataki Visitors Centre and Mt Eden/Maungawhau. You will need to bring a laptop to class.
Year 12 Health (12HEA)
The Level 2 Health programme offers a holistic view on Health by exploring resilience and mental health, issues within the community and taking action to enhance the well-being of local members of society, exploring issues around gender and sexual identity and researching and understanding the different types of issues surrounding adolescents.
Year 12 History (12HIS)
This course provides students with the opportunity to explore global and local historical contexts.
Topics studied will include:
- Significant protests in the latter half of the 20th century (research topic).
- Civil Rights.
Year 12 Hospitality (12HOS)
This course is designed to introduce students to kitchen hygiene, the use of equipment, safety procedures and fundamental kitchen practices in the workplace. It develops skills in knife handling and maintenance; in the production of vegetable cuts, salads and sandwiches; in grilling, frying and roasting and in the preparation and presentation of international dishes. All standards have a theory and practical component. Regular attendance is essential as practical assessments will be carried out weekly.
Year 12 Calculus (12CAL)
This course is designed for students serious about Algebra and its applications. Students wishing to study Engineering, Physics, Psychology or Math modeling in the future MUST take this course, due to entry requirements of Universities. Entry to this course is dependent on passing Algebra and Tables Equations & Graphs external at Level 1, due to the high levels of abstract thought, manipulation and logical processing required. This course is required to prepare students for the academic mathematics courses at Level 3. Additionally, students must gain at least 14 credits in Level 1 Maths to enter this course.
Our 12 CAL Course covers:
- 2.2 Graphs
- 2.4 Trigonometry
- 2.6 Algebra
- 2.7 Calculus
- 2.15 Systems of Equations.
Year 12 Mathematics (12MAT)
This course is designed for students who enjoy both Algebra and Statistics. Students need some knowledge and understanding of Algebra, and need to either have attempted the Algebra (MCAT) External at Level 1, or passed the Internal Mesurement Assessment, and have at least 14 credits in Level 1 Maths. Students taking this course CANNOT take 12CAL or 12STA. Students will do only internal assessments in this course but does not offer course endorsement.
Our 12 MAT Course covers:
- 2.1 Coordinate Geometry
- 2.4 Sequences and Series
- 2.4 Trigonometry
- 2.5 Networks
- 2.9 Inference
- 2.15 Systems of Equations.
Year 12 Statistics (12STA)
This course is designed for students who are serious about collecting and analysing data. Students who have a good understanding of the PPDAC cycle and have done well in the Statistics both internals and external in Year 11 (Multivariate, Bivariate and Chance and Data ) should take this course. The ability to collect and analyse data, write well and linking results to the real world is an advantage. Students must gain 14 Level 1 Maths credits and at least achieve Chance ands Data External to enter this course. There are two pathways available in this course, an Internal only pathway, and an External pathway.
The Internal pathway studies:
- 2.5 Networks
- 2.8 Questionnaire design
- 2.9 Inference
- 2.10 Experiments
- 2.11 Statistical Reports
- 2.13 Simulation.
The external pathway studies:
- 2.1 Coordinate Geometry
- 2.9 Inference
- 2.10 Experiments
- 2.11 Statistical Reports
- 2.12 Probability Methods.
Media Studies
Year 12 Media Studies (12MED)
You all use media in your daily lives – YouTube, Netflix, TikTok, Instagram, Reddit, TV shows, movies, podcasts — all of these are examples of media in our world. In Media Studies, we take a look at some of these media platforms, and try to make sense of how and why we use them, the great ways they can improve our lives, but also how sometimes they can be problematic for us.
Media Studies is made up of three aspects: media in society, reading media texts and media production. In the Y12 course you will learn how media industries operate within society, particularly looking into how representation of people in media affects society and how historical, economic, social, cultural and political perspectives shape media over time.
We will spend time analysing the content of media texts to build your understanding of how meanings are created in texts. We will look at groups of texts that belong to a specific genre (horror), and the structures within those films, to build your skills of close reading so that you are able to respond thoughtfully to what you see and read in the media.
You will learn to make your own media products that can entertain, inform, and challenge, creating a music video in term 2. You will explore, develop, and communicate ideas through the development of your skills in the use of media technology. In the process, you will use language, symbols, and structures to create meaning – combining theory with creativity!
Year 12 Music (12MUS)
The course comprises the following aspects of Music: Performance ,Composition, Aural transcription of music, Score analysis and Contextual study of several music works.
Students who have completed Yr.11 Music will find that this course is a direct follow -up and will be well prepared.
Physical Education
Year 12 Physical Education Studies (12 PES)
This is a sports science based course, it is demanding, both physically and academically. The course includes: analysing risks in challenging outdoor activities, applying knowledge of fitness studies, and exercise physiology to training, applying knowledge of Human Anatomy, Biomechanics, and Motor Skill Learning when learning a new physical skill and performing a physical activity in an applied setting.
Year 12 Physical Education (12 PED)
This course is tailored for a student who has a strong passion for all areas of physical activity. Students will be required to demonstrate social responsibility in physical activity, plan and implement a physical activity event and analyse the processes involved in a group setting. Students will also be required to demonstrate leadership qualities when leading junior students.
Year 12 Sport Studies (12 SPS)
Students will gain a certificate in Sports Leadership through MIT. This programme introduces students to the exciting career of sport and will develop practical skills as well as some written work through course booklets. An interest in physical activity and sport is essential. As part of this course students will run coaching sessions, understand the role of the Police and fundamental skills for athletes through ABL activities.
Product Design
Year 12 Product Design (12PDN)
Students will produce a portfolio of work based around their brief for an individual project within a predetermined context. They will use their research skills to inform their own conceptual designs and demonstrate how technological modelling supports risk management. They will also learn how to represent their design ideas to better communicate their intent, and will create a final prototype of their outcome to test their ideas.
Year 12 Samoan (12SAM)
Students must have completed the Year 11 Samoan Language Course, or show a high level of understanding and fluency in the language. As well as learning skills in reading, writing, speech, students will also be learning gagana fa’aaloalo or formal language appropriate to Samoan protocol. An important part of this course are the practicals held where speeches and protocols are carried out in cultural contexts.
Year 12 Biology (12BIO)
This course is designed to prepare students for Level 3 Biology. It provides knowledge and skills for those who require Biology as a subject for further study towards a career in Medicine, Health Science, Veterinary Science, Environmental Science or Genetics. The topics covered include Ecology, Cell Processes, Animal Diversity and Genetic Variation and Change.
Year 12 Chemistry (12CHE)
Chemistry is the study of the structure of matter and how it behaves when it reacts with other chemicals. It provides knowledge and skills for those who require Chemistry as a subject for further study towards a Science related careers such as in Medicine, Health Science, Food Technology, or as a Laboratory Technician. The topics covered include Atomic Structure, Bonding and Energy, Organic Chemistry, Solubility and Oxidation-Reduction.Spectroscopy. This is a University Entrance approved subject.
Year 12 Physics (12PHY)
This course will help students develop an understanding of the concepts, principles and models in Physics as well as some of the physical phenomena experienced in everyday life. It provides knowledge and skills for those who require Physics as a subject for further study towards a career in Science, Engineering, Physiotherapy, Medicine, Optometry, Dentistry and other technology based industries. The course covers the Physics of Energy, the Physics of Technology and Practical Physics. There is a significant practical component to the course.
Te Reo Māori
Year 12 Te Reo Māori (12MAO)
This course will enable students to continue to develop their listening, reading, writing and speaking skills in the Māori language. Students will also be encouraged to communicate their feelings and attitudes using Te Reo Māori. Māori customs and protocols play a large part of this course and students will learn how to behave and act appropriately in a Māori environment. There will be opportunities to put all of these skills into practice through participation in Māori customs and protocols. This course prepares students to continue studying te reo Māori in Year 13 and undertake NCEA Level 3.
Year 12 Tongan (12TON)
This course will enable students to further develop their listening, writing, reading and speaking skills in the Tongan language. They will also have the opportunity to participate in aspects of the Tongan culture. They will have more opportunity to interact at a deeper level using reading, speaking, listening and writing skills in the class. Units will cover: Family Roles and Responsibilities, Cultural and Traditions of Tongan. Internal assessment will focus on speech (4 credits) conversation (5 credits) and writing (5 credits). The external examinations will focus on the listening (5 credits) and reading (5 credits). They will need to purchase ALL stationery on the list for Level 2.
Travel and Tourism
Year 12 Travel and Tourism (12TTR)
This course offers students the chance to gain the National Certificate in Tourism (Introductory Skills) which is a two year course and will be completed in Year 13. To gain this certificate, students need to gain all 26 Level 2 Credits offered in Year 12 and all 24 Level 3 credits offered in Year 13. students will be expected to work independently in accordance with their own I.E.P. This certificate is recognised in tertiary education providers and tourism employers. The course is split between compulsory units and optional units depending on the students I.E.P. The standards include work roles, Tourism as a service industry, Tourist Characteristics and Needs, the impacts of Tourism on the natural and cultural world and the business of tourism as well as World and NZ tourist destinations. There are also opportunities to take Maori Tourism units. Students who take this course should be interested in a career in tourism, have the ability to manage themselves as most of the course is student-led and complete work in a variety of mediums. Also must have an interest in countries, tourist attractions and destinations. Students must bring a laptop.
Compulsory Subjects
*This is a university approved subject
Religious Studies
Religious Studies (13RES)*
The Religious Studies programme is where McAuley girls are educated on the Catholic Faith.
The aim of the Religious Studies programme is to provide coherent and intellectually stimulating programmes that meet the needs and enhance the abilities of students at McAuley High School.
Students are assessed for each course when the course is complete. This is usually at the end of term. Through the provision of Religious Studies, McAuley High School provides a holistic education that mirrors and supports the faith of the families who send their daughters to us.
Religious Studies extends a base of knowledge and skills that students either already possess or come to gain throughout their years of Religious Studies at McAuley High School.
Optional Subjects
*This is a university approved subject
Year 13 Painting (13PTG)*
This course will help students to develop an understanding of existing ideas and procedures in art-making and to extend this understanding through original, individual performance. They are provided with many mixed media materials. However, they will need to purchase a journal, pencils and materials they take out of school. The external exam for this subject is 3 x A1 Folio boards due before school finishes.
Year 13 Photography (13PHO)*
Students have the chance to be artistic and creative using a digital camera and Photoshop software. They research different photographers’ styles, develop ideas to make a portfolio, and put on an exhibition at school. Students do not need to be great artists but must come up with original ideas to use. They need to think about the presentation of their work. All students will need a digital single lens reflex camera – NOT compact cameras or phones. They can borrow a DSLR Canon camera from school for in-class work. They will need to purchase a blank project book. The external exam for this course is 3 x A1 Folio boards due before school finishes.
Year 13 Dance (13DAN)*
Dance is expressive movement that has intent, purpose, and form/shape. In senior dance education, students increasingly integrate their critical and creative thinking skills with communicative movement socio-political understanding expression. This intensive, academic senior dance course is designed to prepare students for university or tertiary pathways of their choosing with Dance being a fully recognised and approved University Entrance subject. The course will build on students’ practical and conceptual dance experience from previous years of learning and is a demanding, advanced, creative programme consisting of Achievement Standards in Dance at NCEA Level 3. Self-management and both independent and collaborative work skills at this level are vital and there will be many small group, whole class, pair and individual tasks to complete in the broad study areas of choreography, performance and dance analysis.
Design & Media Technologies
Year 13 Design – Media – Technologies (13DMT)*
In previous years you have developed your understanding of digital tools, media conventions and the design process – 13DMT now places the emphasis on you as the learner as you apply these skills in an independent project. You will generate research and develop your own brief for a specified outcome, this becomes your focus for the year.
The culmination is an external portfolio of work that demonstrates your abilities to control communication techniques, develop ideas through design processes as informed by research and analysis of design ideas. You will be required to work autonomously to investigate new digital techniques and the works of other designers in order to develop your own approaches to tackling creative and technical challenges throughout the year.
Year 13 Drama (13DRA)*
Drama expresses human experiences through a focus on role (character), action and tension, played out in a time and place/space. In Drama, students create imagined worlds. Through both individual and collaborative project-based learning experiences, students discover how to link creative and critical thinking, with their imagination and emotional intelligence. At this level, students learn to use spoken and written language with increasing conviction and confidence and are challenged to communicate effectively using body language, movement, and space for a range of purposes.
Ultimately, students gain a deeper appreciation of our rich global cultural heritage and the power and confidence to examine and question attitudes, behaviours, and values in today’s world. This dedicated course is designed to prepare students for university or tertiary pathways of their choosing with Drama being a fully recognised and approved University Entrance subject. The programme will build on students’ practical and conceptual experiences developed from previous years of learning. It is a fast-paced, advanced, creative and academic programme consisting of Achievement Standards in Drama at NCEA Level 3. Self-management and both independent and collaborative skills at this level are vital and there will be many small group, whole class and individual tasks to complete within the rich and broad contexts (topics) studied.
Year 13 English (13ENG)*
Year 13 English prepares you for academic study at tertiary level by expanding on the reading and writing skills you have acquired in the previous years of your English programme. This is a course that teaches students how to develop a critical response to a range of written and visual texts. The course is open to all students who achieved success in English at Level 2, but students should be aware that the Level 3 course is challenging, as befits a programme to prepare you for university study – you should definitely enjoy English. Students should seek their English teacher’s advice or speak to the Head of Department if in doubt.
Year 13 Geography (13GEO)*
This course offers students the opportunity to gain 22 Level 3 Credits. In this course coastal environments and tourism are the two topics studied for the external examinations and three of the internals. There is also an internal unit on the Lantern Festival. There will be an optional external achievement standard offered based on Geographical Skills, those students who have passed either 91010 or 91243 will be offered this opportunity. Students who have taken Geography at level 1 and 2 will have an advantage at level 3 as these levels are the basis for level 3. Students need good English and Mathematical skills. Students must be prepared to write essays, draw graphs, maps and diagrams. Students need to be able to work collaboratively as well as independently and be able to manage themselves. There is a compulsory field trip to Jones Bay which will be assessed both internally and externally. Students must bring a laptop to this class.
Year 13 Health (13HEA)*
Students will be able to extend knowledge learned from Levels 1 and 2 Health Education and continue in a university approved subject at McAuley High School. This is a positive opportunity for students to explore a range of health issues, different health practices and contemporary ethical issues. Students will increase knowledge and skills related to general health concepts, including Hauora, Socio-ecological perspective, attitude and values and health promotion.
Year 13 History (13HIS)*
This course gives students an opportunity to:
- Conduct an exciting research inquiry where students investigate a “hidden” history of New Zealand’s past masked with shame, blame and disgrace.
- Explore the occupation of Takaparawhau (Bastion Point) and its significance to New Zealanders both at the time and today.
- Examine different perspectives of a significant historical event of significance to New Zealanders.
Year 13 Hospitality (13HOS)
This course provides students with the opportunity to develop skills and attain a certificate, ‘Introduction to Baking’, and is assessed in partnership with MIT. This programme assists students in gaining employment, and also leads on to tertiary courses. Additionally, the ‘Art of Coffee Making’ can be offered as extension work which enables students to be employed as Baristas. Regular attendance is essential as practical assessment will be carried out weekly.
Year 13 Calculus (13CAL)*
Our Level 3 Calculus is designed for students who plan to continue to tertiary study in a program that will need calculus. There are many different careers in various fields that require knowledge of calculus such as Engineering, Physics, Finance. Some of the high income professions that require Calculus are Astronaut, Aerospace engineer, Mathematician, Software developer, Post secondary teacher, Economist, Chemical engineer, Operations research analyst, Electrical engineer, Environmental engineer etc.)
To enter this course, students MUST pass Calculus & Algebra External assessment, and gain 14 credits in Level 2 Mathematics. There are two pathways on offer in this course. One pathway is for students who wish to prepare themselves for Engineering (where the University has strict requirements on doing all Calculus external exams). The other pathway is for students who enjoy abstract thinking and logic, and wish to continue their study into Algebra and Calculus.
The Engineering pathway covers the topics:
- 3.5 Complex Numbers
- 3.3 Trigonometry
- 3.6 Differentiation
- 3.7 Integration
- 3.2 Linear Programming.
The second pathway includes:
- 3.2 Linear Programming
- 3.15 Simultaneous Equations
- 3.3 Trigonometry
- 3.6 Differentiation
- 3.7 Integration.
Year 13 Mathematics (13MAT)*
Our Level 3 Mathematics course is designed for students who enjoy both Algebra and Statistics but cannot take Calculus and/or Statistics and who needs Mathematics for tertiary study. This course is a UE approved subject. Students who take this course CANNOT take either 13CAL or 13STA. Students will only do internal assessments. To be accepted in this course students must gain 14 credits in Level any of the 2 Mathematics courses.
Year 13 Statistics (13STA)*
This course is designed for students who enjoy Statistics, are able to analyse data, interpret what the data suggests about the real world, and explain what the data suggests for the future. A good understanding of the PPDAC cycle is essential, as is the ability to write well. More than 70% of University students are required to take Statistics in their degree. This shows how many jobs require the collection and analysis of data, to understand the story they tell.
Media Studies
Year 13 Media Studies (13MED)*
You all use media in your daily lives – YouTube, Netflix, TikTok, Instagram, Reddit, TV shows, movies, podcasts — all of these are examples of media in our world. In Media Studies, we take a look at some of these media platforms, and try to make sense of how and why we use them, the great ways they can improve our lives, but also how sometimes they can be problematic for us.
You will learn to make your own media products that can entertain, inform, and challenge, creating a short horror film at the beginning of the year. You will explore, develop, and communicate ideas through the development of your skills in the use of media technology. In the process, you will use language, symbols, and structures to create meaning – combining theory with creativity!
Year 13 Music (13MUS)*
The course comprises the following aspects of Music: Performance (Solo and Group), Composition, Research, Score analysis and Contextual study of several music works. Students who have a broad understanding of Yr.11 and Yr.12 Music will find this course useful and rewarding.
Physical Education
Year 13 Physical Education Studies (13 PES)*
This course is an academically demanding, sport science and performance based course with a large component of written work. A high level of effort will be required throughout the year. Students will be expected to apply in depth knowledge of anatomy, biomechanics and sport psychology to the performance of a specified sport. Students will also be expected to participate in an outdoor activity and or event. An interest in physical activity and sport is an advantage.
Year 13 Physical Education (13 PED)*
This course is an academically demanding sport sociology course, which is predominantly a theory based course. A high level of effort will be required throughout the year. Students will be expected to evaluate their own physical activity experiences, devise strategies for lifelong well-being, examine a physical activity event and its impact on society, evaluate the use of health promotion to influence participating in physical activity, and lead junior students using contemporary leadership principles.
Year 13 Sport Studies (13 SPS)
Students will gain a certificate in Sports Leadership through MIT. This course requires a high level of practical application with some written work through course booklets. An interest in physical activity and sport is essential. As part of this course students will run coaching sessions with our junior students, use the weights room to demonstrate exercise techniques and learn to officiate a sport.
Product Design
Product Design (13PDN)
*This is a university approved subject
Students will produce a portfolio of work based around their ideas for an individual project, based within a context of their choosing. They will use their research skills to inform their own conceptual designs and demonstrate how technological modelling supports development and implementation. They will also learn how to represent their design ideas to better communicate their intent, and will create a final prototype of their outcome to test their ideas and evaluate their outcome in terms of fitness for purpose.
Year 13 Samoan (13SAM)*
This course will further extend the skills highlighted in Levels 1 and 2 Samoan, offering the same number of credits at Level 3 for each skill area. An on-going part of this course is the Samoan Culture Day, and Malaga to Samoa held every alternate year. These provide students with opportunities to get new experiences, and to apply concepts learned in class in real situations. This is a University Entrance approved subject.
Year 13 Biology (13BIO)*
This course builds on Level 2 Biology and is designed for those intending to study Biology at Tertiary level. Studying Biology at Tertiary level will allow you to pursue a career in the Health Sciences such as Nursing, Pharmacy, Optometry, Midwifery or Medicine. It will also allow you to pursue genetics, plant or animal study. There are practical components to the course. The course covers Plant and Animal Behaviour, Biotechnology and Evolution. This is a University Entrance approved subject.
Year 13 Chemistry (13CHE)*
This course is designed for those intending to study Chemistry at tertiary level. It continues to build on the knowledge and skills for further study towards a Science related careers such as Medicine, Health Science, Food Technology, Pharmacology, or as a Laboratory Technician. The course covers Thermochemical and the properties of particles and substances, Oxidation-Reduction Reactions, Organic Chemistry, and Spectroscopy. This is a University Entrance approved subject.
Year 13 Physics (13PHY)*
This course is designed for those requiring Physics at tertiary level. The course covers Waves, Mechanics and other fundamental systems. There is a significant practical component to the course, including a scientific investigation. This is a University Entrance approved subject.
Te Reo Māori
Year 13 Te Reo Māori (13MAO)*
This course will enable students to undertake everyday tasks using Te Reo Māori with confidence. They will be able to express their feelings and communicate with others. Students will be able to participate in tikanga Māori occasions with mana and dignity. Students will have the necessary skills to continue on with te reo Māori at a tertiary level if they wish to. This is a University Entrance approved subject.
Year 13 Tongan (13TON)*
This course will extend further the skills highlighted in Levels 1 and 2 Tongan, offering the same number of credits at Level 3 for each skill area. An on-going part of this course is the Tongan Culture Day, and trip to Tonga held in alternate years. These provide students with opportunities to get new experiences, and to apply concepts learned in class in real situations. These experiences will give insight into Tongan society, its language, and customs. Internal assessment will focus on speech (3 credits) conversation (6 credits) and writing (5 credits). The external examinations will focus on the listening (5 credits) and reading (5 credits).
Travel and Tourism
Year 13 Travel and Tourism (13TTR)
An in-depth study of Tourism Destinations. All units are internally assessed and are unit standards which means there are only two grades available NA/A. Students who took Travel and Tourism in Year 12 can continue with the National Certificate of Tourism, while those new to the subject will choose options to get 14+ credits. Students will be expected to work independently in accordance with their own I.E.P. The course is split between one compulsory unit and optional units depending on the students I.E.P Students will complete courses in Tourism and economics, New Zealand, Australia, Europe, UK & Eire, Asia and the Pacific Islands as Tourist Destinations. This course serves as a good foundation for a career in the world’s largest employment sector. Students who take this course should be interested in a career in tourism and have a keen interest in map work, countries, tourist destinations and attractions. Students are also required to be able to work independently, manage themselves as the course is student led and complete work in a variety of mediums. Students will need to bring their own laptop.