8:40am 2023 Form Class / Attendance 9:00am Loading ontoBuses 10:00am Cathedral Dedication Mass 11:45am Lunch atSchool 12:35pm Bags to Form Class 12:45pm Full SchoolAssembly 1:30pm Deans' Levels Assembly 1:40pm FormTime...
8:40am Go to Period 1 class - Attendance, - checkuniform - leave bags 8:45 am Line up + LiturgyService 9:20 am Period 1 10:10 am Period 2 11:00am Long Break...
Dean led evenings with whānau. Topics: - Expectations for theyear - Lit/Num - Careers (DF) - Strategic Plan - KeyEvents - Expectations around special character events
Dean led evening with whānau. Topics: - Expectations for theyear - Expectations around special character events -Strategic Plan - Key Events - Careers: Transitioning (DF)
Extra House Assembly for students to prepare for AthleticsDay. Bell times altered to allow for practice at the end of theday. Carlow - field Coolock - Canopy Stormies -Moera Tullamore...
Dean-led evening with whānau. Topics: - Expectations for theyear - Lit/Num & NCEA - Strategic Plan - Key Events -Expectations around special character events