PO in charge + Sialofi & Denise P1 & P2 Teachers that normallyteach the 6 core classes will supervise a session. Six coreclasses will rotate between each session.
PO in charge + Sialofi & Denise P1 & P2 Teachers thatnormally teach the 6 core classes will supervise a session. Sixcore classes will rotate between each session.
In Person 8:40am Form Time 8:50am Period 1 9:50am Period2 10:50am Long Break 11:35am Period 3 12:25pm Period4 1:15pm Assembly 1:45pm Short Break 2:05pm Period 5 3:00pmEnd of Day
8:40am Form Time - Haka Practice 10:05am Bathroom Break 10:15amLine Up for Mass 12:00pm Long Break 12:40pm Form Time / BagDrop-off 12:50pm House Practice 2:00pm HouseCompetition 3:15pm Home Time